Time For A Road Trip? How To Make Sure You Have The Right Auto Insurance Coverage
If you're going to be taking a road trip this summer, it's time to assess your auto insurance. If an accident or road side emergency occurs while you're on vacation, you want to make sure that you're prepared. The last thing you want is to get caught off guard while you're on the road somewhere on the other side of the country. Before you take off on your road trip, here are four things you'll need to do to make sure that everything is in order with your car insurance.
Print Out Your Insurance Cards
If you haven't done this yet, you need to print out your insurance cards. You're going to need proof of valid insurance should you get pulled over for a traffic violation or become involved in a car accident while you're on vacation. You should also make sure that you have your vehicle registration paperwork in your car. That way, you'll know you have everything you'll need should something happen while you're away from home.
Conduct an Audit of Your Mandatory Coverage
If it's been a while since you took a look at your auto insurance coverage, now's a good time to conduct an audit of your coverage. Either pull out your policy and give it a thorough reading or sit down with your insurance agent and have them go over your policy with you. You'll want to pay close attention to things like uninsured/under-insured coverage, liability limits, and comprehensive coverage. The comprehensive coverage is actually quite important to have while you're on a road trip. It will cover things like the replacement cost for your windshield should it get damaged while you're on the road.
Make Sure You're Prepared with Optional Coverage
If you're going to be traveling across the country this summer, you'll want to assess the type of optional coverage you have on your auto insurance policy. This is not the time to do without things like roadside assistance protection or rental car coverage. These types of optional coverage will ensure that you're protected in the event of an emergency.
Know What the Insurance Requirements are for Other States
If your road trip is going to be taking you through several different states, you'll need to make sure you know the insurance requirements for them. Each state has specific requirements for insurance coverage. If you don't have sufficient coverage for any of the states you'll be traveling through, it's a good idea to adjust your limits for the time that you'll be traveling. That way, you know you'll be protected wherever you travel this summer.